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Doesn't make sense for secular people to summon up moral outrage over oppression, violence etc

"Look. There are people in this room, there are people in New York City, there are lots and lots of wonderful people who really aren’t sure what they believe about God. You’re secular people, and you also are fighting disease and hunger and injustice and death. You’re against it too, but you’re doing it inside a worldview in which these things are totally natural. We’re here by accident, just explosions and lava and amino acids. We’re here by accident, and we’ve gotten here through a process of evolution, which is the strong eating the weak.
Natural selection. Survival of the fittest. Nature is red in tooth and claw. Here’s what I want to ask you. How can you even really summon up moral outrage over all the oppression and the violence and the hunger and all that when it’s absolutely natural? How do you summon up the hope and the strength to fight these things all of your life when you know things are totally inevitable?
The gospel says these things are not natural, and these things are not inevitable."

Sermon: 'The Good Shepherd'. Mark 6.30-44

last updated february 2016