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Scrum Checklist

Scrum Checklist

This list is to help teams assess their current Scrum implementation. It is meant to be used as a tool during the team's retrospective to help drive conversation and experiment with new ideas.

Recommended but not always Necessary

Teams has all the skills needed to bring backlog items to done

Team members not locked into specific roles

Iterations that doomed to failure terminated early

PO has product vision that is in sync with PBL

Document decisions (meeting minutes)

Team has clear goal

Each team member knows what the others are doing

PBL and product vision is highly visible

PO available when team is estimating

PBL items are broken into tasks within a sprint

Velocity is measured
All items in sprint plan have an estimate
Velocity only includes items that are Done

Standup is every day,same time & place
PO participates at least a few times per week
SM focusing on removing impediments
Max 15 minutes

Team members pick up any tasks, regardless of their specialty

Define Acceptance Criteria for each ticket

Team has a Scrum Master(SM)
SM has strategy for how to fix top impediment

Escalated to management when team can't solve

Everyone on the team participates in estimating

Team has a sprint burndown chart

last updated august 2019