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Purpose: To introduce participants to one another. To explore expectations and fears/worries of the participants before the workshop begins.

Time: 10 to 20 Minutes

Materials: A box of matches, Newsprint, Magic Markers


•Everyone is asked to stand in a circle

•The facilitator then explains that when the match is lit, the person holding the lit match should say their names, where they come from, their expectations and their fears. They should say all this before the fire dies out. Once the fire dies out it is the next person’s turn. This should go on until everybody has had a chance to share. In the mean time one of the facilitators should capture all the responses and have them written on newsprint.

•The newsprint is posted on the wall and participants are told that at the end of the workshop the fears and expectations will be revisited to see if they were all attended to.

last updated december 2019