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Typical challenges in a Sprint

Stories & Acceptance Criteria
Not establishing a constant feedback loop with the Product Owner
Not fully understanding stories / requirements upfront (e.g. house walls the same color)
Not capturing implicit requirements like roads & other infrastructure, leading to additional unplanned work

Prioritization & Delivery
Not defining an MVP and reaching a definition of "Done" despite short sprints
Attempting unrealistic deliverables given resources and timeframe (e.g. houses were too complex and left incomplete)
Not using creative / low effort solutions for low-priority items (e.g. road out of paper)
Not re-sizing stories as more information was uncovered

Product Owners do not play an active role across teams
Teams do not self-organize and align with each other
Teams don't align across stories (e.g. relative sizes of buildings is incorrect once sprint begins)
Integration is not fully considered (e.g. layout of buildings in city is not natural, positioning has not been considered)

Communication & Resource Utilization
Teams not communicating internally and aligning on who does what, when
Some resources sitting idle, while others do not complete their work

last updated july 2019