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Squashing The Negative Internal Dialogue

Squashing The Negative Internal Dialogue

Many people have a negative internal voice that constantly nags at them. This negative internal dialogue often puts them down and dwells upon the negative things in life. Consequently, it’s difficult for people to move ahead if they don’t first conquer their negative internal voice.

A negative internal voice can cause a negative self-fulfilling prophecy if one lets the voice rule their mind and therefore their world. What occurs far too frequently is that the negative internal dialogue discourages someone from doing something. Then if they even attempt to do something and fail, the internal voice rubs it in. This further drives home the false belief that they cannot do whatever they set out to do. The negative internal voice then gets louder and incapacitates them even further the next time the person wants to step outside their comfort zone. This cycle must be stopped. Considering all of this, how would you like to silence this negative internal dialogue once and for all?

First of all, identify the qualities of the negative internal dialogue by answering the questions below. When you’re aware of the specific qualities of the negative internal dialogue, you can more easily silence it.

• Whose voice do you hear criticizing you?

• What direction does the voice come from?

• What is the volume of the voice?

• Does the voice say the same thing over and over?

• Does the voice speak rapidly or slowly?

• What is the tonality of the voice?

Now that you are more consciously aware of the voice than ever before, we can squash it. To do this, consciously choose to change the qualities of the voice. You do this through imagining the same voice with its vocal properties altered.

Sometimes the negative internal voice is that of one’s parents. Sometimes the negative internal voice is that of yourself. What would happen if you took the voice and made it sound like Mickey Mouse's voice? What would happen if you took the voice and made it one of your favorite childhood cartoon character’s voices? What would happen if you took the voice and had it say the same thing only with a clown voice? Don’t take my word for it; do it yourself to find out. You might be surprised to discover how quickly an internal voice that used to keep you stuck becomes meaningless when it sounds like Bozo the Clown.

What happens if you change the location the negative internal voice comes from? Notice how this changes things. Put the voice in different locations and different distances away to find how to lessen the impact of it.

What happens when you imagine a volume dial and turn the volume down on the negative internal voice? What happens when you turn the negative internal voice up? Find what works best for you to thwart the impact of the negative internal voice. Most likely, the quieter the voice, the less influence it will have. It’s really very simple once you do it. The underlying basis of this technique is the idea of consciously directing your mind instead of just allowing it to work randomly. Here you are consciously directing how you choose to hear the internal voice of yours.

What happens when you speed the voice up so very fast that it’s almost incomprehensible? What happens when you slow the voice down to the point it’s deeeeep aaannnnd dissstooorrrrted? I bet you’re feeling better about having more control over your internal voice and your negative internal voice is having less and less of an impact on you.

Amplifying Positive Internal Dialogue

For everything we did to the negative internal dialogue, we’ll do to the positive internal dialogue in reverse. There are a number of things to do to reinforce the internal dialogue and to amplify its effects.

When you hear positive, encouraging words inside your mind, take a moment and silently thank yourself. As you begin to tell yourself positive things inside your mind, reinforce the behavior. The more you reward yourself for acting in the way you want, the more you will find yourself automatically acting in the way you want.

Your ideal internal dialogue should be in your voice. The reason for this is that you and you alone run your life and make your decisions. If the internal dialogue has a voice of anyone other than you, you are effectively relinquishing your personal power to them. Since you are running your mind and your life, reclaim it by making the internal dialogue yours alone forever. Simply replace the current “voice of authority” in your life with your own voice coming from that same place of authority within you.

Allow yourself to hear that positive voice resonate within you. Allow it to spread through all parts of your body. Whenever you hear that glowing positive internal voice, boom it from within you like it’s coming from the largest speakers you’ve ever heard at the loudest volume imaginable. The louder the volume, the more you will feel the feeling coarse throughout your entire being. So when you want to really feel it, crank up the volume!

While your positive internal voice shows up more and more often, sometimes it will give you a positive statement disguised in question form. An example is, “You can do it?” The tonality may be questioning yet deep down the sentence is a statement. Crank up the power of your internal voice by turning the sentence into a statement, “You can do it.” Try this on by repeating it in your mind a few times. Next, make your internal voice even stronger by converting the statement into the exclamation, “You can do it!” Listen to how you like that when you repeat it in your mind a few times. Shout this inside your mind! You will shout out the doubt.

The underlying idea is to begin to trust yourself in the same way that the most successful people in the world trust their internal voices and believe in themselves.

Other people will try to project their limits onto you. If you share your dream with someone and they have limiting beliefs, they may try to put their limits onto you or suggest that it cannot be done. All of this accidental bad hypnosis by friends, family, and colleagues can be counteracted by using the following words: cancel, cancel. If you catch someone giving you a bad suggestion or projecting their limits inside of you, mentally utter the words “cancel, cancel”. These words serve to remind yourself to flush those negative thoughts from your mind. The more you pay attention to people’s language, the more you realize how many limits people really do project which in turn will cause you to be using ‘cancel, cancel’ often.

last updated october 2019