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Team Forecast for next 3 iterations + 2 releases

3+2 Planning Template

[Team Name] Forecast for next 3 iterations + 2 releases

This view is not a commitment. It is a rolling forecast as of [Date]

(place the below data in 5 colmums left to right)

Sprint [next]
Release Q.YY
Key User Stories
Story description (ref # if wanted)
Story description (ref # if wanted)
Story description (ref # if wanted)

Sprint [next +1]
Release Q.YY
Key User Stories
Story description (ref # if wanted)
Story description (ref # if wanted)

Sprint [next+2]
Release Q.YY
Story description (ref # if wanted)

Release Q.YY
Epics (High level user stories)
Epic description

Release Q+1.YY
Epics (High level user stories)
Epic description

Level of certainty and detail in stories
High -> Low

last updated september 2019