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Values in Action (VIA)

In the relatively new field of positive psychology, a piece of work has been done with the field's founder, Martin Seligman, and others to identify core character strengths. In summary, the twenty-four values are:

Creativity: New ways of thinking and acting.

Curiosity Exploring and seeking for its own sake.

Open-mindedness: Seeing things objectively and fairly, from all sides.

Love of learning: Constantly developing skills and knowledge.

Perspective: Seeing in ways that make sense and giving wise counsel.

Bravery: Not shrinking from threat, challenge, difficulty, or pain; acting on convictions even if unpopular.

Persistence: Seeing things through, despite difficulties.

Integrity: Presenting oneself in a genuine way; taking responsibility for one’s feeling and actions.

Vitality: A zest and enthusiasm for life and living.

Love: Valuing, sharing and caring for others.

Kindness: Doing things for others without requiring reciprocation.

Social intelligence: Being aware of how yourself and others are motivated, and acting accordingly.

Citizenship: Being socially responsible and loyal.

Fairness: Treating everyone in a similar way. Being just and without bias.

Leadership: Driving achievement whilst maintaining harmony.

Forgiveness and mercy: Forgiving wrong-doers rather than seeking punishment or revenge.

Humility / Modesty: Not putting oneself above others. Letting achievements speak for themselves.

Prudence: Not taking undue risks or doing what you will regret.

Self-regulation: Controlling one's emotions and actions according to one's values.

Wonder: Appreciating beauty and excellence.

Gratitude: Knowing, feeling and being thankful for all the good things in life.

Hope: Positively expecting the best and working to achieve it.

Humor: Enjoying laughter and making people laugh. Seeing the lighter side of life.

Spirituality: Having coherent beliefs higher purpose and the meaning of life.

Note that the name is 'Values in Action'. Many people have aspirational values, but the ones that really count are those that you enact every day.

So what?

Understand your strengths and try to build on them. Understand the strengths of others and try to work with them. Also understand weaknesses and seek to shore them up or work around them.

last updated october 2019