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Value Delivery KPI

Value Delivery KPI

In order to fully describe a KPI, the following information needs to be considered while constructing the KPIs:

Definition: In a few sentences, describe what is being measured over time – Quantifiable measurement
Actor: The object that is being measured (e.g. Users, Clients, Bankers, agencies).
Value: The single quantity or calculation that has business value.
Objective: The business goal or objective of the KPI.
Cadence: How often will the report be generated, and describe the time driven increments of the time driven
Data Sources: Describe the data from internal/external sources that will be required to develop the KPI.
Persistence: Describe the life of this KPI and how it may change in the future.
Visualization: Describe or show how the KPI’s graph will appear on reports.

Definition: Measure the number of new commercial customers which will grow 10% over the months.
Actor: New Commercial Customers.
Value: The number of new customers.
Objective: 10% increase per month.
Cadence: Report generated monthly, weekly data points, trended over a 12 month period.

last updated august 2019