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Elon Musk

Elon Musk Quotes

(some slightly paraphrased by me)

"If a design is taking too long, design is wrong!"

"Strive to delete parts and processes."

"If it is not in the future, who cares?"

"Everyone is a Chief Engineer!"

"Everyone must understand, broadly speaking, how all the systems in the environment work so that you don't have subsystem optimization."

"Whatever departments you have in the organization, that will be where your product interfaces are."

"Product errors reflect organizational errors."

"You should take the approach that the constraints given to you are guaranteed to be some degree wrong, so always question them regardless the credibility of the person handing them to you. Always question your constraints. Even Einstein was wrong part of the time."

"One of the biggest traps for smart engineers is optimizing a thing that shouldn't exist."

"Given all of the degrees of the freedom of reality, the first thing you should always ask is "Are we asking the right question?"

"When you can properly frame the question, the answer is comparatively easy."

last updated october 2019