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Characteristics of the Ideal Scrum Master

Characteristics of the Ideal Scrum Master

Passion for Role
Scrum Masters should be passionate about this role
Prior to being a Scrum Master, a team member should learn/ understand expectations and select/volunteer for role

Trusted/empowered by business leadership
Scrum Master is a leadership position –begin your assessment using similar criteria used for other leadership positions
Strong negotiation and conflict resolution skills

Servant Leader
Pushes team to do their best work, not in traditional way of command and control, rather by building a relationship with the team and engaging their “heart and mind”
Good listener
Ability to understand and empathize with others

Team Coach, Teacher and Facilitator
Scrum Masters are coaches
Need to be willing to coach first rather than direct
A team member who has a need to “control” or direct others may not be a good candidate

last updated september 2019