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Jira Board Flow

Jira Board Flow

Once an iteration opens up, All the stories selected by the for that Iteration are moved by the Scrum Master to the Backlog Column

Condition for Stories to be in Backlog
Story is ready for play.
Story huddle is completed.
Dev/QA have reviewed during story huddle that the story is ready to play
Planning has occurred with PO, Scrum Master, TM, Team and they agree that story is ready to play

Condition to move story from Backlog to In Progress
When the developer says that playing this story is possible and they have clear understanding of Acceptance Criteria
Developer who picks up the story must assign the Anchor ( put name assigned to the field ) to story
If developer can not do this please contact SM.

When to move a story from In Progress to Validation
Developer has handed over the story to QA
Developer has Checked in the code

From Signoff to Done
Demo is completed is given to PO
Story signed off by PO

last updated august 2019