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Mutt Notes

* Mutt Folders
- A good start for finding the right things is knowing where everything is.
- Organizing / managing emails

* Mutt & Maildir Mini-HOWTO
- This document describes how to use the Maildir format with the Mutt MUA. It has technical and performance advantages over the mbox format.

* The Homely Mutt

* Configtricks
- Mutt provides several means to achieve dynamic configuration: the various
"*-hook" cmds, the "` `" (backticks) cmd-substitution known from many
shells, and "macros". You can do already a lot with them as they are,
but you can combine them to achieve more or use them in ways not used before.
Add, correct, or expand the list with your ideas. Keep in mind that with
some variation the tricks can do things not listed here. Get creative.

* RE: Maildir Support broken with Mutt 1.4.1?
- Maildirs have never actually worked properly because they use filenames which
are not POSIX compatible, and were apparently specifically designed to cause
grief for Windows and Mac systems. Compounding this problem, I erroneously
suggested people use Maildirs in older versions, before I knew the tragedy of
Maildirs. Probably what's happened is that mutt's error checking has been
improved, so you're now getting an error message when it would just silently
fail before.
So, to sum up:
1. Don't use Maildir, use mbox.
2. If you do use Maildir, put your mailbox on a Cygwin "Managed mount". This
may or may not work, I don't know.
Gary R. Van Sickle

* mutt - no mailbox

* Emailing Out: Nullmailer, Mutt, and Automated Email: The Tiny Mail Transfer Agent

* Howto: Send The Content Of a Text File Using mail Command In Unix / Linux

* Email - Slackware Linux Essentials

* The Linux Mail User HOWTO - Eric Steven Raymond

* A Quick Guide to Mutt

* Learning Mutt -- A solution for those mutterings of discontent with your mailer

* Neomutt - Advanced Usage

last updated june 2018