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From Mr Meelis Kitsing.

Sir, Your editorial "Big data bonanza" (December 15) misses essential points about Friedrich von Hayek and big data. According to Hayek, it is not only localised and dispersed knowledge, but also tacit knowledge that is crucial for the functioning of the market system. Often, useful localised knowledge is tacit. By definition, tacit knowledge cannot be articulated and mechanically transferred to other individuals. Companies and governments have become more successful in collecting large volumes of data but it is nearly impossible to capture useful tacit knowledge by these data collection methods.

Furthermore, the value of big data is not about the volume and the amount of collected data but it depends on our ability to understand and interpret the data. As human faculties of interpretation and understanding differ greatly, the value of big data is subjective and dependent on particular context. Ironically, the skilful use of big data may require tacit knowledge.

Meelis Kitsing,

Tallinn, Estonia

last updated february 2013