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hobby lobby wikipedia

Hobby Lobby was originally created by Bill Wimberly and his wife Lorraine in 1962 in Hobbs, New Mexico. It was a very small shop established on the North East corner of Gila and Penasco Streets in Hobbs, New Mexico with the address being either 1522 or 1524 East Penasco, Hobbs, New Mexico before zip codes and area codes were even imagined (We had party lines on our phone). I was eleven (11) years old at the time and found Mr. Wimberly's shop fascinating and I (and my father, mother, and friends) spent some money there buying balsa wood airplanes and model cars, Kites, etc there. The shop was a converted garage on a 3 bedroom, 1,500 square foot home with a single engine propeller over the closed garage door entrance. The store was still in business when we left our home at 1523 East Penasco in 1964 to our new home on Rancho Road just North of the Hobbs city limits (at that time). Mr Wimberly was a real enthusiast of personal hobbys', children, and a true entrepreneur! After we moved, I lost track of the Hobby Lobby and Bill and Lorraine Wimberly. I hope that they fared well and are actually the true founders of Hobby Lobby.

last updated december 2012